Saturday, October 22, 2011

All 4 Kids - a Review

All 4 Kids - Old Seward Highway

Out of all of the second hand clothing stores in Anchorage that I've reviewed, this store is unfortunately my least favorite.  The store is poorly merchandised, and has a little bit of an odd smell (probably from the previous tenant).  There aren't prices on most of the items, which can make browsing a little frustrating.  Many of the clothes are pretty outdated and well worn, and a lot of the toys just seem junky to me.

But on the positive side, the prices are definitely the lowest of any of the other stores, and there is a wonderful book selection.  Like the rest of the store, the book section is pretty poorly organized, but it is enjoyable to look through the wide selection.

I had a little luck finding some cute clothing items, but felt like I was very lucky.  Here are some of the items I found:

BabyGap sleeper

BabyGap newborn pants

Izod (?) overalls

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