First we thought of walking down to the 'goon (westchester lagoon, just down the street from my house), where we could search for the little ducklings and gosslings, but then decided to head on over to the zoo. I got a season's pass - which I am super excited about. This has sort of been the week of season pass/memberships...I just signed up for one at the Anchorage Museum too.
Upon arriving at the zoo, we had to make the usual first trip...to the bathroom. But then our fun afternoon quickly got underway. We saw all the animals, though many were snoozing in the afternoon heat. Corbin really loved looking in all the cages, but wasn't so sure about walking on the boardwalks. Noah was happily tagging along with me in the ergo. We saw the new little musk ox calf - born in June of this year; I think Kelsey was a little more interested in the fiber hanging off of the calf's mother though. All in all it turned out to be a pretty awesome day!