Tuesday, September 4, 2012

KCCO: Tutka edition

Both in our old apartment, where we brought Tutka home, and in our new home there is not carpet in the living spaces.  The floor is hard, especially for the growing puppy who doesn't get to go in the bedrooms where there is carpet, or on the couch (like Beau).  We have been meaning to get him a dog bed, but haven't wanted to shell out even the $20 they are at Costco (which is a great deal compared to everywhere else).

Luckily, Steve had a piece of foam out in the shed that was quite big and so I searched around for a piece of fabric to cover it.  I found what I was looking for, a thick and sturdy vintage sheet, at the thrift store, and brought it home, ready to cut and stitch it to the necessary proportions.  It turned out well, very simple, yet cute.  And I actually ended up love the fabric much better than all of the dog bed fabrics that I have seen in stores.  Tutka seems to like it too, which means it is truly a success.

linked up with Nicole at Frontier Dreams for Keep Calm Craft On {crafting on}

1 comment:

  1. I love your picture of Tutka with your baby behind. They both have very kind eyes.
