Monday, October 20, 2014

hopes and plans

I'm taking a break from the currently link-up this week (past weeks, here) to list my hopes and plans for the next couple of weeks. I have quite a few things I want and need to do, so I figured listing them here would help motivate me to actually get them done!

o n e  |  c h r i s t m a s   p r e s e n t s: I'm sorry if this is too early for some of you, but I am planning some homemade gifts including photo books and a few sewing projects, so I need to get started soon on this! I also need to decide what to get Riggs for Christmas and his birthday. I hate that they're so close, but what can you do? I want to get him some stuff that he'll love and get a lot of use out of.

t w o  |  w i n t e r   p r e p a r a t i o n s: I need to put away summer stuff/toys and prepare chicken coop and yard for winter. this is nearly done but there's still more I need to do, including getting skis waxed and bikes put away. also getting storage solutions figured out for halloween/fall decorations and for more Christmas decoration. I also need to get more decorations, especially for our front porch. I want lights on our garage this year too!

t h r e e  |  f i t n e s s  g o a l s: I'm almost at 4 months post-partum and need to get my butt in gear to fit back into my clothes and get things tightened back up, if you know what I mean. especially with all the holiday feasting coming up. I was doing good running in the morning for about a week, need to get back at it! It's definitely harder to squeeze it in with both kids, but it's really important to me, so no excuses!

f o u r  |  f a m i l y  p i c t u r e s: I'm waiting to get them done till there is (hopefully) more snow and so that Raina can really 'pose' and smile for the pictures. I also want to get our photobook of pictures for the first half of 2014 ordered and one for Raina's early babyhood ordered too. 

f i v e  |  s e w i n g: I have quite a few sewing projects (mostly quilts) that need to get finished up and more that I want to get started on, like dresses for Raina, afore-mentioned Christmas presents, and some more wool leggings for Riggs.

So.  That's quite a bit of stuff and there's quite a bit more that I'm forgetting. I'll be checking back in a few weeks to see what I've managed to check off and what still needs to be done. 

Hopes and Plans


  1. I have a silly question. How do you run in the cold? I've tried it and I get that funny feeling in my throat from huffing and puffing all the cold air! I end up avoiding outdoor running in the winter.

  2. I am SOOOO jealous that it snowed there! I feel like I will get no winter at all here *Sigh* miss you and love your hopes and wishes. This is the best season isn't it?!

  3. No, it's not too early to start thinking about Christmas presents! I already have a list made up for my boys and got some towels today to make capes with. Yeah, you know they'll be streaking with those towels. :) Also, beautiful snow! It almoooost makes me excited for winter.

  4. I'm stoked to find your blog! I just moved to the base by Fairbanks! And, it's never to early for Christmas.

  5. I guess maybe I'm just used to it? I know that's a terrible answer but I ran and skied cross country every winter since I was 13 and it's just the norm for me. But I will say there are things you can do to ease that sore-throat feeling. I find that below 10 degrees it helps to bring a thermos of warm water to sip, or gum to chew to keep saliva coating your throat (kind of gross, but it works as long as you don't choke on the gum haha). Hope that helps a little!

  6. yes it is! it will eventually snow there, and if not, at least you'll be home over Christmas!! xoxoxoxo love you

  7. ok great, glad I'm not alone! and yes, I bet they'll love their costumes, with clothes or without ;)

  8. thank you Elizabeth! well you guys have had snow for a while, I'm a little jealous! hope you're enjoying Alaska so far!

  9. Well, it makes sense! I'll try the warm water trick, I'd probably choke on my gum... Thank you!!!
