Monday, August 11, 2014


thinking | Robin Williams' apparent suicide is really getting me down. My friend Lena said it perfectly, "So sad that a man who made so many people happy took his life because of depression." I struggle with understanding severe depression, especially when it causes thoughts of suicide. I just don't understand what could have been so hard that he'd rather die than live. I'm so glad that I can have peace in this life through Jesus Christ. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

reading | nothing at the moment...suggestions? maybe something in the fantasy genre?

listening to | All Things Considered in the background and miss Raina groaning and grunting next to me while she 'plays' on her back. Can you call it playing when all she's doing is looking around and sporadically moving her arms and legs?

watching | The Little Mermaid...on repeat! Riggs loves it and when he's not watching it he's pretending to play with the characters. "I swimmin' with flounder mama!" - I get that. When asked what he's doing while crazily hopping around - "I jumpin' on flounder!" oh, of course...wait, what?

thankful for | this crazy life that is so easy and peaceful and simply wonderful compared to so many of the horrible things going on in the world right now. I truly am blessed.