Here's my favorites from this week!!
| ONE |
sweet moments with my beautiful babies. I feel so lucky that I'm blessed to
be their mama. Raina got her first mail this week filled with cute things that
I can't believe she'll ever fit into (and they're only size 9m) while wearing the
most beautiful cardigan that my second mom/aunt Connie knit for her. ♥
| TWO |
I think I'm just going to be posting cozy cabin pictures every week, I can't help it!
Doesn't this just look like the best place to spend a weekend, or two or three?! I
love the bookshelf over the window and all the pillows, reminds me of my inlaws
home across the bay from Homer. Perfect for a rainy windy day like today. ♥
I've been watching Mad Men (which for the record should be called "cheating men")
and am so in love with the ultra-feminine clothes they wore! That full skirt and tights
just looks perfect for fall and is a modern adaptation of those lovely sixties styles. ♥
| FOUR |
Isn't this the truth? ♥