Thursday, January 9, 2014

four months, what?!

How Far Along? 16 weeks

Size of Baby: Avocado (4.6 inches, 3.5 oz)

Gender: We don't know yet, but we are getting crazy excited to find out! Hopefully we will know within the next two weeks or so!

Weight Gain: Three pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet. I am looking into finding some maternity work out pants (tights or capris, no 'bootleg' style yoga pants preferably) because all of mine are higher wasted and are cutting into my baby belly and/or rolling down when I workout. Other than that all of my normal clothes still work with my tiny bump. My jeans are pretty low cut so they're not a problem and everything else I wear on a regular basis is pretty stretchy.

Nursery: I'm actually starting to get serious about planning this. I'd like to have Riggs into a twin size bed by the time baby comes so that the crib will be free for naps and such for baby. I think I'm actually going to repaint Riggs' room and everything so I'm starting to get pretty excited! I've started pinning some ideas you, which you can check out here.

Movement: Still feeling those fluttery little movements now and then, but no kicks or jabs yet. Can't wait for those!

Symptoms: My biggest 'complaint' right now would be nipple soreness when Riggs breastfeeds. When he first latches on the agony is so bad I can barely keep from gasping and writhing in pain. It goes away after about 30 seconds, but man! I'm not really sure what to do about it, for now I'm just breathing through it and waiting for it to pass. Anyone else deal with this?

Sleep: Sleeping great except for that occasional 3am wake up, or if Riggs wakes up to nurse.

Cravings: Pretty much all food. Haha.

Best Moment This Week: Getting excited about shared-nursery planning!

Looking Forward To: My midwife appointment on Monday and making my ultrasound appointment. I'm hoping I can make it for sometime next week but it might have to wait until the week after. I'll keep you posted! 

Also need to have Steve take and 'official' bump picture for me. I'm resolved to have more than just selfies this pregnancy, haha.


  1. Only 3 pounds?! WAY to go! I'm hoping to not gain 50+ pounds this time around... yikes! That's a bummer about nursing, I was anticipating that but Gabriel wound up weaning himself last week. I was anticipating nursing him to at least two years but I guess he had other plans. :) Fortunately it was gradual so it wasn't traumatizing or anything haha.

  2. Nipple soreness...Boo! Are you going to try and tandem nurse both of them, or wean Riggs beforehand?

  3. I'm trying really hard to not over eat, I have a tendency to be an emotional eater haha and it's the worst in the evenings when I'm tired and want to indulge myself. It must be so weird/nice for Gabriel to be weaned, a little break before it starts all over again ;) I was hoping Riggs was going to wean himself but he still hasn't given up that before-bed-milk. I guess I'll have to take measures into my own hands soon, either that or just go ahead and tandem nurse. Not sure yet what I really want to do!

  4. It really is horrid! With all this soreness I'm starting to think I need to try and wean him. I was hoping he'd just wean on his own, but he's still hangi
