Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Welcome February!
I cannot believe you are here. Valentines Day is coming up soon, maybe I should decorate. I never have before, but it could be fun (nevermind all the homework, that will get done after the decorating, just like at Christmas). There are lots of other bloggy people out there who do it, I can just get ideas from them.

You are an exciting month, February. January is over, March (springish) is coming, and there are only 28 days! Also, this is the month I met my husband and our first date was 6 years ago on Valentines Day :) The picture up top is from another early date, checking out the ice sculptures during Fur Rondy 2005. We look so so young! We were both 18 :)

So what will we do this year? I have no idea. We aren't really the big-elaborate-plan-put-the-whole-day people. In fact, we don't even usually get each other cards! This may sound really UN-romantic, but I think it us much more special when Steve randomly brings home chocolate, or my favorite magazine, or GASP! even the occasional flowers, rather than robotically going to the store on the one day a year he's "supposed" celebrate his love for me and getting a cheezy card. But still, having a lovey Valentines day can be really fun and satisfying, so I think we are going to this year. Now I just have to decide what to do :)

Anyone else have any to-die-for plans they want to share?
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