Luckily we were busy doing fun things and seeing some of our favorite people. The weather was just beautiful, it was a great day for a kids run. Riggs was so excited to participate in the race with his cousins, and we all had fun despite how crowded and crazy it was. The narrow trails of the zoo weren't the best for hoards and hoards of parents eager to see their kids run and to take the perfect picture.
Next we met Steve's brother and his family to help them divide and conquer to complete there big shopping trip (they stock up when they're in town from Homer) and then we all headed to Girdwood for some swimming and family time.
Cousins are so much fun, especially when they're so cute!
two babies in a floaty
Right around bed time we got out of the pool, got dressed, said our goodbyes, and headed back home. We were both pretty tired once we got home, got both sleeping kids tucked into their beds, and the truck unloaded. It felt like two or three days all rolled into one, but it sure was fun!