The last time I posted one of these was just about one year ago, about two weeks before Raina Gracie girl was born, crazy. You can check it out, here.
Oh and before I begin, I wanted to share this link about Slow Parenting. Touched on something I've thought about quite a few times, especially since Riggs has been an older toddler.
Okay, so. Raina usually wakes about anywhere from 6:30am to 7:20 and Riggs often wakes at 6:30 because now that he's potty trained (at night and naps too, hurray) he's waking up to go pee. Sometimes I have him get back in bed if Raina is still sleeping. Today, we were all up early. Raina woke nearly every hour in the night, barely wanting to nurse and digging at her ears, so once we were up I emailed our family doctor (who is a naturopath and our favorite family care provider we've ever had. Dr. Megan Danz for locals who are interested) to see if we could come in to get her ears checked for infection.
We went about our morning while waiting to hear back, and had Bob's Red Mill Muesli for breakfast, with apples and pecans on top, which is a pretty common choice for us. Dr. Danz emailed me back nearly right away to let me know she would be able to squeeze Raina in right away, so we loaded up in the truck and headed into town.
Luckily it was determined that Raina did not have an ear infection, although they were a little red and inflamed from her cold. I was glad we went anyway, and Riggs was too. He just loves Dr. Danz, as he told her about 10 times during our visit, little sweetie.
Steve had thrown the stroller in the bed of the truck before we left the house and we walked over to Vagabond Blues for some coffee and a berry bran muffin for the kids to share. Vagabond is pretty much our go to spot in Palmer for coffee and treats, we're there at least once or twice a week.
Once the kids finished eating we headed outside and I walked with the stroller down to the tire place to meet Steve, who dropped the truck off to get a tire patch repaired. While we were waiting for them to be done, we walked all around Palmer, which is another one of our favorite things to do on the weekends. Steve's in between calls for work right now so he's been off for a week, which is a whole new experience for us in the middle of the summer. Needless to even say, we've been absolutely loving having him home with us to enjoy the gorgeous spring/early summer we've been having.
Riggs had a blast checking out the lady bugs and looking for caterpillars on all of the beautiful trees in downtown Palmer. He was so so cute talking to them, saying, "It's okay little bug, you can crawl right onto my hand. I'm your friend!" He tired out pretty quickly and climbed in the stroller, where both he and Raina quickly passed out. They both slept about an hour which was perfect timing for walking some more at an adult pace with uninterrupted conversation before heading back to grab the truck and driving home.
When we got home Steve went to work outside with Riggs and I fed Raina her lunch while enjoying a green smoothie for myself (I had packed a lunch for Steve, Riggs and I before we headed into town in the morning, which we ate while walking around).
I'm pretty sure she is the cutest thing ever (other than my other child, of course, haha).
While she crawled around a bit on the floor I went out to collect eggs. When I came back in, I played with Raina for a bit before she got fussy and fell asleep right in my lap. I wasn't complaining, she only sleeps in her crib now so I savored every minute of our cuddle time.
Once she woke up, I needed to do my cross training work out so I changed into workout clothes and got started. The program I use is three days a week of 28 minute circuits and I've really been having great results with it. Before I started I couldn't do a single real pushup (correct form all the way to my chest and back up). I'm on week 7 and can now do three full pushups, which is a huge accomplishment for me and I can't wait to see how much stronger I get as time goes on. It's a 12 week program and then there's another 12 week program to follow up with.
Raina stayed pretty close and watched my every move while I did the circuits. Then when she tried to climb on my a few times I put her in her high chair for a snack (freeze dried fruit is her favorite easy fingerfood snack) while I finished up. As you can see Tutka was there ready to 'clean up' any thing that fell from the tray. Such a helpful pup, haha.
I made dinner next, fried egg sandwiches with roasted green peppers and green beans, which Steve and Riggs came in to eat too. Then I bathed my babies and had them both tucked into their beds by about 7.
I spent the evening enjoying the peace and quiet with a library book while the kids slept and Steve was back outside working in the garage.
It wasn't the most typical day for us since Steve was home on a weekday and we went in for a last minute doctors appointment, but we still had a lot of our normal routine in the mix as well. It was an rest day for running so that's missing too. Maybe I'll do another DITL post soon on a day where I'm home with the kids by myself and do a run with them in the stroller.
Hope you enjoyed reading all about our boring lives and don't forget to leave a link to your recent DITL post if you have one!