Friday, June 13, 2014

five friday favorites and a zoo visit

The weekend is nearly here and I'm so glad. I'm not sure what our plans are, other than enjoying time together, hopefully most of it outside. We can't wait to pamper Steve on Father's Day too. 

Here are a few things from around the web that I wanted to share:

ONE | I've been saving up eggs from my girls in the back of the fridge so that they're a week old to make hard boiled eggs for Steve's lunches, and let me tell you a week is not enough (supermarket eggs are usually 4 weeks old by the time you purchase them). I have loved everything about fresh eggs except how hard they are to peel when hard boiled. But! I have found the solution, which you can read all about here. It is truly a miracle and great source of joy in my life (sad, I know). I am so happy every night when it's time to make Steve's lunch and I actually get a little thrill every time I peel the eggs.

TWO | I am counting down the days until I can wear normal clothes again, and these (on sale!) boyfriend jeans are at the top of my list. I live in jeans like this year round and I have so been missing them! (I did buy some maternity boyfriend jeans but wear them as little as possible since all maternity jeans fall down on me and I subsequently despise wearing them). 

THREE | Public Radio is on in the background during just about all the waking hours in our house and last night Steve and I stopped what we were doing to listen to this Bioneers program, and discussed it in some length once it was over. Need to fold clothes or wash some dishes? Click over and listen while you work.

FOUR | Father's Day is nearly here, so it may be to late to order this in time, but I'm kind of obsessed. If you have a guitar playing dad/husband in your life, this would make them very happy. Steve is always digging in his pockets and the truck console for picks, this would solve that problem. 

FIVE | I love shiny gold things, and Riggs loves magnets. This DIY is the perfect compromise.


We went into Anchorage this morning to get adjusted and decided to head in a little early and stop at the zoo before our appointment. I renewed our membership, as I've been meaning to do for some time. I have a feeling that zoo trips will be a fun (and easy) way for Riggs to get outside and have fun once baby sister is here and mama is a little less focused on just him. 

It was actually the first time we've been since early winter and Riggs loved it so much - he was definitely much more aware of the animals than last time and noticed what they were doing and wanted to point things out to me and talk about what he was seeing. I know we moms tend to say this about every age, but I really love this age! It is a gift to see him really blossoming and learning so much about the world around him.

We were there during one of the feeding times for the little orphaned wolf pups and I just about died. They were so small and cute and playful...why do babies of all types cause such strong baby fever? Last time I had puppy fever I ended up with a 60 pound black lab that hogs the bed...that's what you forget all about when you see those sweet little rolly-polly puppies, ha.


  1. Whitney, you are so close! Ahh! Also, do you always refrigerate your eggs? We don't. They sit on the counter top at room temperature (good for weeks) and I've never had a problem hard boiling them that way. Steaming sounds interesting! Love that blog. Best, mama. XO

  2. I've been thinking of taking Ev to the zoo lately - we haven't been in quite sometime, since we lived in Albuquerque and she is so much more into animals these days than ever so I know she would love it! You're getting really good with that camera, btw! ;) I'm getting so excited for you! The baby fever has been strong over here and I know it will only get worse once you're posting pictures of another little one.

  3. I know, it's so exciting! Also it's seeming to go a little slower the closer it gets ;) We do and we don't. Kind of depends. Steve always throws them in the fridge out of habit, it think. But if they get left out we still use them. I only fridge them for sure when I have to wash them really good due to a muddy day or a bad girl (pooping in nesting box lol). The steaming works sooooo well. I'm really still excited about it and how easy the eggs are to peel haha.

  4. I bet the zoo there is amazing!! And yes, I bet she'd be much more into it. Thanks for the compliment, these were all taken on my iPhone! I was wondering if you'd start to get the itch, it seems hard not to because at two our 'babies' really aren't at all anymore. :)
