Monday, September 11, 2017

Saddle Creek Trail to Grewingk Glacier Lake

At the end of July we took the boat over to Halibut Cove to hike the Saddle Trail with the kids to picnic at Grewingk Glacier Lake. It's a great trail for kids to master themselves, and Riggs hiked the whole way himself. Raina was in the backpack, but more because we wanted to hike at more of an adult-friendly pace and she loves to stop and smell the roses when she walks (which is fine most of the time, but this time we opted out of a toddler-led hiking experience). We used a trip-anchor to secure the boat to the beach while we hiked, and headed up with the stairs to the trail head.

The whole day was just what we needed as a family, and we came back and grabbed a pizza at Finn's before heading home to put the kids to bed. I did trip over a sharp root sticking up out of the dirt trail on the way back and got a pretty nasty cut between my pinkie toes that I had to go to the doctor for in the morning (just to get it cleaned out), but it was still a great day overall.

We'd love to hike more of the trails in the area both with the kids and maybe on our own for the longer ones, and I highly recommend making it over here to hike for any of my local friends.

Playing on the beach while we set the trip anchor.

Looking down at the boat as we head up the trail.
Perfect photo spot.

Raina was out right away once she was in the backpack.
First view of the glacier.
Picnic on the beach while watching the icebergs float by.
Riggs found a $20 bill on the beach so he was really happy haha.
Almost back to the boat.

Steve pulling the boat back in.
Riggs drove the whole way back.
Raina sleeping again.

Finns to end the day.