Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thinking about Christmas...

For those of you who know me, you know that I love Christmas and start counting down for the holidays to begin usually by the end of July.  This year it is starting even sooner, but for a much different reason.  Steve and I will be getting the best Christmas present ever this year, and I am trying SO hard not to wish the summer away.  I am finally getting around to sharing this news on my blog, and am going to try to start back up with regular posts now that I'm feeling better.

Here is a picture of our little one at 10weeks and 3days! 

This was the first time I saw the baby and it was definitely an emotional experience watching my baby floating around inside of me.  It was also somewhat unnerving because I still looked exactly the same, hadn't gained any weight (maybe 1lb), and couldn't feel anything!  Steve didn't get to go because he is way to busy at work :(  But he will get to go to the gender scan, which will be even more exciting.  I got to hear the heartbeat at 10weeks 5days and it was so amazing.  I can't even describe how crazy it is for this to all be real!

a little bump!

Other than thinking about baby 24/7, I have been working at REI, sewing, and being out in the sun as much as possible!  Hope your summers are going great too! :)


  1. Your mom (who "doesn't do blogs") thinks you're cute. I think you're pretty centered on this baby - but after all, I also think that's how God designed it to be. Keep on building us our next grandchild, and we'll keep on praying for that grandchild, and you, and Steve...

  2. Thanks daddy :) Do you like my new blog design?

  3. Whitney! I am so excited and happy for you guys! You're going to be a great mama! Love you!

  4. I love the new design! Plus you are super cute!

  5. I love the new design! And congrats on the baby!!! :)

  6. New design is cute!!! And, you don't have a bump yet, you probably just ate dinner. :P Enjoy your last few months of it just being the two of you. I'm excited for you!!!
