Maybe something in the air has changed, I’m not sure, but suddenly, miraculously, it's spring. The sun has me anxious for summer and hiking and biking and just being outside all day. I woke up this morning determined to bike to school, but the icy morning derailed my plans and made me even more restless for no more snow and plenty of sunshine. I don’t have studded tires, and with my personal clumsiness factor, I decided it probably wouldn’t be the best idea to get on my bike. So, I’m left waiting once again to get out there and feel the breeze on my face and in my hair, the burn in my thighs, and the smile on my face.
Adding to the excitement…my sister just picked up a new bike and upgraded to a double chariot, so we have been busily making plans for all the summer riding we are going to do. There isn’t anything that is much more fulfilling that watching kids have a blast while playing outside and I can't wait to experience that this summer with my nephews. We have gone to the zoo pretty regularly this winter, which is always fun. But now I find myself anxious for trips in the summer, whether rain or shine. I just want to see glossy green grass and leaves, bright blossoms, and gravel.
I’ve slowly started to realize that Alaska is probably the only state I could ever live in permanently because it is the only state that makes its inhabitants so grateful for the changing of each season. Even though our summer is short, our winter is so full of fun things to do that I find myself ready for it each fall. And then sure enough, come April, I am dying for summer. I also just got a new pair of hiking boots, and I cannot wait to get them out of Anchorage for some serious hiking. One of my goals this summer is the go on a hike every weekend. I’ve made a list of places that I would love to hike, bike or camp at and am hoping that I get to check of most of it.
1. Eklutna Lake Trail: 12 miles back to Serenity Falls. Planning on biking this one with a group of girls…can’t wait!
2. Flat top: seems crazy that I have never hiked to the top, but that is definitely something I will be checking off my list this year.
3. Resurrection Pass trailhead to Devils Pass Trailhead: 33 miles. This is one I’ve done with my family, but want to do again this year.
4. Winner Creek Trail: This one is out of Girdwood…you get to pull yourself across a gorge using a hand tram, don’t think any other explanation is needed…
5. Lost Lake Trail: 15 miles. I have wanted to do this one for some time, and really want to check it out this summer.
6. Anchorage Trail Systems: I want to explore all of the paved bike paths that are hiding all around Anchorage, including the Campbell Creek Trail System, the Chester Creek Trail System, the Coastal Trail, ect…
BTW...suggestions for other trails and trail systems around Alaska would be amazing, so feel free to recommend, suggest, compel, ect.
Now it is time for me to go study. I am writing this post from the computer lab in the Consortium Library at UAA, killing time between classes. Because of the beautiful weather outside, I could barely stand to stick around campus to take a quick test at 5:30 this evening. But sitting out in the sun for an hour made me feel so much better, and gave me the words for this post. What a beautiful and amazing creation we have been allowed to enjoy! The pictures below are of my two bikes, which are all prepped and ready to go for a spring and summer full of fun.